Get Involved


Our next recruitment period is from January 9th-January 24th! If you would like to get involved with leadership, friendship, and service, check back on our website or follow us on social media to see updates about Spring 2023 recruitment. You can also fill out our interest form to be added to our email list and join our Remind for updates. Completion of the requirements outlined below is required in order to receive a bid from our Alpha Zeta chapter of Alpha Phi Omega.

Potential new members must complete the following during the recruitment period:

  • Attend at least 1 info session (we recommend you do this first!)

  • Attend at least 1 service event (sign-ups for these will occur at the info sessions)

  • Attend at least 1 fellowship event

  • Attend at least 1 leadership event

  • Complete and submit a written response, approximately 300 words in length, about what leadership, friendship, and service mean to you. This step should be completed after you have finished your other requirements. The response can be submitted here.

  • If you receive and accept a bid, you will owe $90 in dues for your pledging semester, paid in two separate installments at the beginning ($50) and end ($40) of the pledging period. After your pledging semester, dues for active members are $45/semester. Dues scholarships are available if you are in need of financial assistance.

  • If you participated in Spring 2023 recruitment events but did not join our fraternity, those events can count toward your Fall 2024 recruitment requirements.

The dates, times, and locations of info sessions and recruitment leadership and fellowship events will be published on our recruitment calendar and our BBNvolved page. Service event sign-ups will take place at info sessions. If you have questions or are in need of assistance in meeting recruitment requirements, please reach out to us at, or contact our VPs of New Member Education Alma Medina ( and Claire Dacey ( Updates about recruitment can also be found on our Instagram (@kyalphaphiomega).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • APO has an open membership policy, which means anyone enrolled as a student at UK may join–even if you are in graduate or professional school! We are also gender inclusive, meaning anyone can join regardless of their gender identity.

  • Although we are called a fraternity, we are not a part of Greek Life at UK. We are a service organization separate from social fraternities and sororities. If you join Alpha Phi Omega, you are still able to join a social fraternity or sorority! Many of our members are also involved in Greek life and are able to balance the requirements of both! APO is also a great way to earn the service hours that many fraternities and sororities require.

  • APO has firm roots in Scouting and is centered primarily around community service. We are not affiliated with any national Greek organization.

  • If you receive and accept a bid for APO, you will be inducted as a pledge at the end of the recruitment period. For the remainder of the semester until you are initiated as an active member, you will spend time learning about the fraternity’s history, our chapter and its history, APO’s core values, and what APO has to offer. Pledging is a way to transition into the fraternity and learn valuable information before you become a full member. We hope you will have fun and make tons of friends during your time as a pledge!

  • Alpha Phi Omega has a strict NO HAZING policy. You will not be subject to any physical, mental, or emotional discomfort at any time during your pledging semester.

  • The dues for your pledging semester are $90, due in two separate installments at the beginning ($50) and end ($40) of the semester. After you initiate as an active member of the fraternity, you will owe $45 in dues each semester. However, there are dues scholarships available and we encourage you to get involved even if you are unable to afford these costs–we never want finances to stop anyone from joining APO!

  • We always say that you will get out of APO what you put into it. You must complete a certain number of requirements to remain an active member of APO, but whatever you want to put into the organization beyond that is up to you. We understand that your mental/physical health and school should be your first priorities, and we are always willing to be flexible in helping you meet your requirements.